Latest News
RJ WEEK 2017 - Europe 19-26/11/2017
(08/11/2017) -
AFCR qualifies the first mediator for the IMI Certificate
(25/05/2017) -
Roundtable on Restorative justice and victim-offender mediation - dispute resolution alternatives for juveniles in conflict with the law
(03/05/2017) -
Forum on The Development of Alternative Dispute Resolution/ Mediation in Civil and Commercial Disputes, March 29, 2017, Tirana, Albania
(29/04/2017) -
Conference on “Protection of children in contact with the law through the application of restorative justice” - 13 July 2015, Tirana International Hotel
(15/09/2015) -
Roundtable “On the experience of co-operation between the Probation Service and the Mediation Service - achievements, challenges and ways forward”
(25/02/2015) -
AFCR asseses and qualifies mediators for IMI Certification
(08/10/2014) -