Studies and Researches

AFCR counts on a long list of studies and researches. A group of professional researchers are engaged in conducting researches in the areas of democracy development, conflict resolution, mediation, restorative justice, religious harmony, etc.
Recent studys, researches and surveys conducted by AFCR:

  • 2014:  How do we respond to conflicts - A survey conducted in the 16 elementary and secondary schools in 8 main districts of Albania. The main objective of the survey was to collect and analyze data, as well as to assess the viewpoints of 1000 teachers and students regarding the level of conflictuality in schools, causes of disputes and the ways of responding to conflicting situation. Supported by Save the Children Albania.

  • 2012-2013: Restorative justice and victim-offender mediation in the probation service - Study survey. This research examines the experience of probation-mediation cooperation, draw findings about the characteristics and needs of the convicts under the supervision of the Probation Service, and identify the possibilities of the institutions to increase the use of mediation in the work of the Probation Service and its role in dealing with conflicts in the Albanian society in general. Supported by EU Delegation in Albania.

  • 2011: National base-line survey on the impact of the application of Restorative Justice/Mediation for Juveniles Program. Supported by EU Delegation in Tirana and UNICEF.

  • 2010: Data gathering through interviews, questionnaires and focus groups, and their analysis concerning the alternative approaches to conflict resolution, focused on juveniles. Supported by UNICEF.

  • 2008: National study-research: Restorative Justice and the juveniles in conflict with the law - An observation on the level of criminality among juveniles and the possibilities of applying restorative justice in such cases. Supported by UNICEF.

  • 2006: National study-research on the situation of religious harmony in Albania, assessment / evaluation of the current state. Supported by World Learning/USAID.

  • 2005: National assessment of the conflicting situation and the application of mediation and reconciliation in conflict and dispute resolution in Albania. Supported by Ministry Foreign Affairs of Norway.