Study Report: "Children in Contact with the Law and the Effects of Restorative Justice and Mediation"
The study was conducted in the framework of the project on “Institutionalization of restorative justice and victim-offender mediation for juveniles in Albania”, funded by the European Union and is implemented by Save the Children...
Survey on "Restorative Justice and Juveniles in Conflict with the Law", 2008 (available in Albanian)
This is a report on the findings of the baseline survey on the level of criminality in juveniles and the possibility of applying restorative justice in the penal cases with juveniles involved. It contains information on the level of...
Pathways to Inter-religious Dialogue in Albania - Research & Reflections, Tirana, 2010
Chief Editor Prof. Dr. Artan Fuga, Member of the Albanian Academy of Sciences Working Team Mark Marku Delina Fico Piro Misha Rasim Gjoka Virgjil Kule Fatri Sinani Prof. Dr. Zyhdi Dervishi Published by The Albanian Foundation for Conflict...
Alternative Dispute Resolution of Commercial Cases through Mediation - Albania Case, Tirana 2010
Published with the support from International Finance Corporation - as part of the Court-Connected Mediation Program, implemented in Durres District Court in 2009-2010.
List of researches and surveys conducted by AFCR
Following there is a list of the study-researches and surveys conducted by the group of AFCR in years 2014: How do we respond to conflicts - A survey conducted in the 16 elementary and secondary schools in 8 main districts of...