Strengthening intercultural dialogue as a tool for youth to youth connection and good neighbourly relations in the region, April-November 2022, funded by WBF and EU
The project aims at contributing to meaningful participation of youth from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and North Macedonia in promoting intercultural dialogue as means of building good neighbourly relations, reconciliation and peace through the collaborative approaches and joint activities.It is implemented by the Albanian Foundation for Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation of Disputes (AL) in partnership with the Nansen Dialogue Centre Mostar (B&H), the Association Interactive Education and Resource Network (NM) and in close cooperation with three high schools in the respective countries (“Petro Nini” - Tirana, Gimnazija Mostar, and "Orde Chopela" – Prilep).
The project is funded by the Western Balkans Fund and European Union joint Regional Grant Scheme, part of the
project “Support to the promotion of Civil Society Regional Activities in the Western Balkans”.